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Sort or filter contacts by date of first entry

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:54 pm
by SolaFide
I would like to find contacts that were created in the last few months. Is there a way to sort or filter contacts by date of creation or by date of last change? My goal is to find out what contact information has been changed or added since the last time I exported contacts to MailChimp.

This question may have been asked before, but I was unable to search for it because the search engine rejects common words like "sort," "or," "filter," "by," and "date." : )

Re: Sort or filter contacts by date of first entry

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:16 pm
by jmuehleisen
Good question.

The program does not keep track of the date an entry was first made, and it also does not keep track of when a record is updated.

So, the answer to your question is basically "no ... it can't do that."

But, if your goal is to update your Mail Chimp data, then you can try this.

If you re-export your DM data for Mail Chimp and then reimport your list into Mail Chimp ... Mail Chimp is smart enough to recognize duplicate entries and it will update your Mail Chimp list from the latest data ... and add new partners that are in DM but not yet in Mail Chimp.

So, that's doesn't solve the "date entered / date updated" problem ... but it will keep your Mail Chimp up to date.

Now, as a point of interest, DM will eventually keep track of the creation date / update date (which will also help with multi-device synchronization). I do not have any target date for when this will make it into the app.