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How to record if a newsletter was sent

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:08 am
by jmuehleisen
I recently received the following question:
I'm wondering 2 things:

1) Is there anyway to generate a report listing those supporters who have had a "snail mail" newsletter sent to them?

I've gotten the whole thing set up and merged the list into Word for the envelopes to be printed (which is really slick and works great!). Then we write a short note on most of them and if I have a handy 1 page list of all those receiving the newsletter, it's much easier to write the notes. Just check the 1 page list. Is there anyway to generate one of those lists?

2) Is there a place where a "tally" is kept on who has received our newsletters each time?

In other words, once the snail mail and email newsletters are sent, is there somewhere in a history where it keeps track of who received a newsletter each time? That way if ever we need to go check to see if someone received a newsletter several times ago, we can just go back and see it?

Thanks a bunch.
Here was my reply:

If you have a field set up to distinguish the snail mail and the e-mail groups, then you are in good shape.

Some people use the "Send Newsletter" for the snail mail group, and the
"Send E-Mail" for the e-mail groups.

If you have done it that way, then you can print any report you want,
filtering it to give only the names on the particular list.

Likewise, you can record a "touch" to a group using the same filter.

For example, let's say you want records a "touch" / activity / whatever you want to call it.

Go to the partner detail screen. Any partner. Go to the touches tab.
Click <Add Touch to Many Records>.

Then, you can say "add the touch to just those names with "Send Newsletter".

Fill out the form as follows: date: (whatever)
type: newsletter
comment: December 2004 newsletter - paper

Then it will record that you sent the newsletter, and it will add that entry
to all people where "Send newsletter" is checked.

Then you can go back and see if someone got the newsletter or not.

I hope that helps.


And, the final reply back:
Thanks! It worked great and did just what we wanted. It worked wonderful! Thanks a bunch!

I did have it set up exactly as you said - snail mail for "newsletter group" and email newsletters for the "newsletter group". So it was very easy.