Error message importing Excel

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Error message importing Excel

Post by jay_petty »

I have office 2003 and using XP. I have changed the Excel file to 95 and saved it. I am getting a program Error message "file access denied". I click cancel and DM completely shuts down. Can you tell what I am doing wrong?
screen shot
screen shot
DM error.JPG (151.72 KiB) Viewed 16837 times
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Re: Error message importing Excel

Post by jmuehleisen »

If you are getting the message "File access denied" ... then probably the file is still open in Excel at the time the DM is trying to access it.

When Excel opens a file, it "locks" it so no one else can access it at the same time. I think you getting that "lock."

So, if you close the file in Excel, and then try to import it again, you should get past this.
John Muehleisen
Mentoring Emerging Christian Leadership in Africa for Excellence / Integrity / Innovation
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Re: Error message importing Excel

Post by jay_petty »

Using your advise i try to see what was using the file. Excel was not open. It was Kaspersky my anti virus program. Thank you!
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Re: Error message importing Excel

Post by jmuehleisen »

Thanks for the update.

I've never seen that before, where an anti-virus would cause that error.

But, it's good to know that this is another possible source of problems.

I'm glad you were able to get past this.
John Muehleisen
Mentoring Emerging Christian Leadership in Africa for Excellence / Integrity / Innovation
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